The Guru Without All The Bullshit

Divinity Indwelling

Been writing poetry snce I was knee high to Dylan Thomas, and I've gone through the requisite rainbow of styles, approaches and rejection slips, so now I feel no crimson flush spreading up from the neck when I call myself a poet.

A complete bibliography of publications follows down below. But first some the poems from the collection I compiled in the late eighties/early nineties that I called "Divinity Indwelling". With a title like that you'll not be surprised to hear that thematically they are the most relevant to the word of gord project.


This is the peace
That passeth understanding,
This is the structure
That supports rumble and clank.
You could stay here forever
Smiling in your own home,
But karma requests your presence
At rehearsals this afternoon.



Where you are going
Is where you have come from;
The journey is a dream
Dictated by your needs,
An experiential detour
Defined by us as purpose.



Inside the wind,
Above the best,
One becomes something
Else in surrender.
Until then, a
Suspicion of conspiracy
Keeps the heart glowing.


Who Wants To Enter?

Everyone is a pure soul, stained
By earthly suffering. The children
Press their noses against the wall
Of the aquarium, calling their mother
To questions and answers. Calmly
Inconsistent, the fish glide and wiggle.